In Egypt something very strange happened. A coup that is not a coup but it is actually a coup, sort of, maybe.
- Catagoría: English Zone
- Autor: ZonaJ
Egyptians are not referring to the overthrow of Morsi’s government and the Muslim Brotherhood as a military coup, but rather a people’s revolt supported by the military.
Of course, the coup was made possible by the military’s involvement, but the power has been turned over to the current chief justice of the constitutional court for the time being.
Responses have varied across the Middle East as some countries; such as Turkey have condemned the coup, but countries normally in conflict with one another like Syria and Israel support the overthrow.
Most governments are pleased to see the army in control, rather than the Muslim Brotherhood, which, until recent protests broke out, seemed to be in control.
Mohamed Morsi was the first democratically elected president in Egypt, but as the people demonstrated under Mubarak, they will not accept a president who does not act on behalf of their nation.
According to the protesters, Morsi had become power-hungry after November 2012 when he temporarily granted himself the power to legislate and control the entire country without consulting the government.
Protests broke out and were met with violent police opposition, which led to more protests until the military decided to step in and act on behalf of the people.
Governments in the West have been slow to comment. The United States has refrained from calling this a military coup, which makes sense because if it was considered to be a coup, they would be forced to cut off the military aid of around 1.2 billion dollars a year, which would prevent their influence in the rebuilding of the country heavily.
Obama, however, has stated that they had neither supported nor encouraged the revolt. What happens over the coming months remains to be determined, but one can only hope that the former government will be one that enables the country to be more stable and not bowing to political and foreign interests.
Por @zonajnet
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